My Holistic Hub

Education & Empowerment on your Whole Health Journey

The mission is to empower individuals with comprehensive education and accessible resources to foster holistic well-being.

My Holistic Hub aims to challenge conventional health paradigms and cultivate a community where mind, body, and soul are interconnected. By offering one-on-one consultations and a wealth of digital resources for individuals to make informed decisions about their health. A commitment to honest, compassionate, and evidence-based guidance empowers clients to unlearn conditioned responses and embrace a natural path towards optimal health. The vision is a world where everyone can thrive, free from the limitations of traditional healthcare systems and discover individual care that resonates.


My Holistic Hub Consulting & Coaching is on a mission to guide you towards optimal well-being through transformative personalized programs. We focus on somatic strength & mobility, stress management, trauma transcending and belief empowerment. Strengthening intuition, you'll reclaim a holistic health of mind, body, and spirit. My network of trusted practitioners across diverse modalities from Shamans to Surgeons, Peptide specialists to Reiki Masters, Cranio Sacral Massage Therapists to Traditional Chinese Medicine Dr.s and everything between to ensure comprehensive colaberative holistic care when needed.


Emphasizing lifestyle changes that nurture the mind-body connection. By unlearning conventional nutrition from the system designed to disempower and embracing cellular metabolic understanding through whole foods and minerals, We help you stop taking medications and ineffective, even harmful supplements. Our approach addresses the root cause of cellular dysfunction which impacts mood, emotions, and bodily functions. Acknowledging our emotional pain and triggers are imperative to cultivating an abundance of self love; in other words, I help you get out of your own way through radical ownership.

Together, we transcend limitations, achieve vibrant health, and evolve the mind-body connection for inner lasting harmony.

Achieve your full potential and lead a happier, healthier life through consultations and information.

I agree to terms & conditions and privacy policy provided by the My Holistic Hub. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the My Holistic Hub.

DISCLAIMER: As a nurse, I am legally allowed to consult on psychosocial issues, provide trauma counseling, and support patients during times of emotional stress. I can also discuss nutrition and weight loss strategies with patients, as well as advocate for their understanding of medical terminologies and treatments. However I must operate within my scope of practice and seek guidance from licensed healthcare professionals when necessary as part of my integrative team. I reiterate that any information shared in this conversation is for informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. By reading and using this information, you acknowledge that you do so at your own risk and are solely responsible for any health-related decisions you make.

Please note that although I am a nurse, I am not a licensed medical doctor. Therefore, any information in this site is not intended to replace the advice of a licensed medical professional. As a holistic practitioner, my focus is on promoting comprehensive wellness, including physical, mental, and spiritual health, as well as weight loss and increased energy. I encourage you to seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider for any medical concerns. Please remember that all information shared with me is protected by my nursing license and code of ethics.

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USA, Austin, Texas

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